Home 9 Row With NBC 9 FAQs


Find Answers to Some of the Most Frequently Asked Questions

What class is appropriate for me?

If you have never rowed before (sailing, canoeing, and kayaking don’t count), you will start in a Beginning Barge class, where you will learn the rowing stroke, power application techniques, coordination with other rowers, and basic commands. If you have some experience, please email us to discuss options.

Are the classes in the Program Schedule the only ones available throughout the season?

No. Our class schedule flexes in response to demand. For example, if we have many applicants for a Zephyr class, we will try to schedule an additional class, rather than turn people away. Alternatively, if we have less than four people who want to take the same class, we have to cancel because the class is not financially viable (our costs exceed the revenues). Of course, if the Club cancels a class, we will refund the paid application fees.

What if I want to row with a friend or a group?

We will make every effort to schedule people that want to row together in the same class. Since classes fill quickly, please register as early as possible, at least two weeks before the start of your class.

What equipment will I need?

The Club provides everything you need to go out and row. However, you will need to dress appropriately. It works best to wear rowing shorts, or bicycling shorts, which are tight fitting and no longer than mid-thigh. Baggy clothing or long tops can get in the way of the rowing seat which rolls on a track, or get caught on oar handles. There are many websites that sell clothes specifically for rowing, such as those listed here.

Will we row on rainy days?

That depends. We will make every effort to put a class on the water, with safety as the primary concern. The Director and your coach will make that decision prior to the start of your class. However, rainy weather will NOT cancel classes. If it is really too wet to row outdoors, we might row on the indoor rowing machines instead.

What if I cannot attend a class?

If you have to miss a class, please give us as much notice as you can. This is very important because if you are rowing in a team boat, the boat cannot go on the water without you, and we have to try to find a replacement. In addition, we will attempt to give you a makeup class ONLY if there is room in another compatible class.

Can I shower at the boathouse?

Our facility’s restrooms, showers, and changing rooms are available for students’ use. However, we recommend that you lock your valuables in your car because we cannot guarantee their safety while you are out on the water. During winter months, the water is shut off at the boathouse and showering isn’t possible.

What if I have any additional questions?

Please email us!

Do I need to join the Narragansett Boat Club to learn how to row?

Membership in the Narragansett Boat Club is not required. But, we do hope that you will want to continue rowing and join NBC as a member. Members receive a discount on most classes.