Adult Programs

On-Water Class Descriptions

Beginner Barge: For men and women of all ages who have no sliding seat rowing experience, but experienced rowers are welcome, of course. Coaches will teach the rowing stroke using the 8 person, stable Barge. Rowers will learn the proper technique, vocabulary, and transition into using rowing as a workout within this class. Barge classes meets 2 or 3x a week.

Beginner Zephyr: If you successfully row through the beginner barge classes, you are eligible to progress to the zephyrs, which are wide, one-person sculling boats. Here, rowers will strengthen their technique to include the sculling form and transition into using rowing as a work out. Once the rower has a solid grasp on the sculling stroke, the coach may transition him/her into a training single (x25/26).

Intermediate Sculling/Advanced Sculling: Rowers who have successfully completed the Beginner Barge and Beginner Zephyr class and progressed into the training single can take this class to gain comfort and confidence in a smaller shell. Coaches will use drills to develop the rower and work with them to reach their personal goals of fitness and speed in the training singles. This will also prepare some rowers for the Sculling B test.

Intermediate Quad/Advanced Quad: Rowers who have successfully demonstrated their confidence in a 1x and wish to pursue sculling in a team boat. Quads have 4 scullers in a boat. Coaches will work on the individuals’ technique and ability to work together to move the boat. Rowers who are seasoned in the 1x and 2x, can take this class as a step to become bow certified.

2025 Adult Classes

Please note: You will need to take a swim test in order to row without a PFD at NBC, in a class or as a member.

NBC Swim Test Requirments and Form

If you would like to join a class once a session is in progress, please contact us—we will fit you in if space is available!

NOTE: All classes are subject to instructor availability and the ability level of each rower/sculler. Classes may be adjusted at any time. The specific offerings for each time slot will change as the year progresses, so check back here for program updates. To secure your spot, register online at least two weeks before each session’s starting date. There are no refunds once the first class has begun. Makeups for classes missed are possible if there is space within other currently ongoing classes. Classes cancelled by the coach will be made up on Fridays, or through some other alternative arrangement.